Connecting Communities in 2018

The first half of 2018 brings connections within and across life science communities.


The White Hat Team began the year, as many in  the world of  life science innovation and investment worlds do, in San Francisco making connections and reinforcing relationships during the week of the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference.

Emerging from work in 2016 and 2017 with community leaders in Arizona, the Healthcare Impact Foundation (HCIF), the Arizona Bioindustry  Association, Inc. (AZBio), and the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation (OTEF) announce an initiative to create AZ-HCIF, a $200 Million endowment along with $50 Million for direct impact within the Healthcare Impact Foundation.

AZBio, OTEF, and the Healthcare Impact Foundation’s efforts to establish AZ-HCIF is featured in the May/June issue of AZ Business Magazine.

Family office meetings, hosted by the Stetson Family Office, around the world in Arizona Austin, Basel, Brisbane, Boston, Geneva, San Francisco, Seattle, Sidney, Singapore, Toronto have brought together key opinion leaders global life science centers.

Teams across the United States and around the world are working together to establish their Community’s HCIF endowments.

In April of  2018, Healthcare Impact Holdings SPC was formed to support a broad portfolio of life science investments globally.





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